Political Correctness
In days when things need to be politically correct, this cartoon is very apt: What would people want Moses to say on Mt. Horeb now? This cartoon is used with kind permission of Rex May at baloocartoons.com.
Top Ten Articles at OCOY.org
What pages are the most read on OCOY.org and the Light of the Spirit Blog? Read on, and explore more besides. There are hundreds of blog posts, as well as ebooks and more. And with spiritual writings, they never get out-of-date or loose their value: … Continue reading
Only Flora and Fauna?
Q: Suppose everyone in this planet will not take birth again because they have attained liberation, does that mean the planet will be empty of human beings but only be occupied by flora and fauna? Is this condition possible? Individual spirits (jivas) are coming into … Continue reading
More Tools for Meditation
We have recently made an important addition to the Original Yoga section of our website: a new book entitled Soham Yoga: the Yoga of the Self, by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke). To introduce you to this work, here is a selection from the … Continue reading
The Mother’s Ever-Living Presence
An outdoor Marian shrine is all that remains of a house that burned down during Hurricane Sandy in the Breezy Point borough of Queens, NY – about 50 houses were destroyed in this neighborhood by fire – photographed by Frank Franklin II