The October Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be on October 5th at 12 Noon, EST.
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Is Meditation Dumbo’s Magic Feather?

Q: Will meditation alone improve ones moral sensibility? Will one naturally move toward the good as one meditates? If meditation alone would improve one’s moral sense or automatically move us toward the good, Patanjali would not have outlined the ten principles of yama and niyama … Continue reading

When the Mind and the Self Are One

Q: What is “chitta”? What is the meaning of “when the mind and Self are one”? A Brief Sanskrit Glossary defines chitta in this way: “The subtle energy that is the substance of the mind, and therefore the mind itself; mind in all its aspects; … Continue reading

The Reincarnation of Elijah

Free Kindle download at Amazon The Following is an excerpt from May a Christian Believe in Reincarnation? by Abbot George Burke. I cannot resist giving one more Biblical instance–bridging both the Old and the New Testaments–of how the human drama can be played out over … Continue reading

Can Women Attain Liberation?

Anandamayi Ma Even today in India there are people who believe that there is no need for a woman to engage in meditation because it is impossible for a woman to attain liberation. My friend, Saguna Hejmadi (a cousin of Papa Ramdas of Anandashram), was … Continue reading