The March Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda (Abbot George Burke) will be held on Saturday, March 1st, at 12 noon EST.
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Meditation and the Heart

Q: I am looking for a type of meditation that focuses on the heart in order to attain pure love: a loving path, a way to be purified in heart as Jesus said. Can you help me in this? It is important to realize that … Continue reading

What is the Name of God?

A Continuation of the Commentary on Theologia Germanica, by the Frankfurter. The things which are in part can be apprehended, known, and expressed; but the Perfect cannot be apprehended, known, or expressed by any creature as creature. The ancient sages of India knew by direct … Continue reading

My Karma Made Me Do It

To someone who wrote asking about involvement in an avocation for the enjoyment of it. Our lives are an unimaginably complex system composed of innumerable influences. Any simplistic view or opinion must by their very nature be irrelevant and often (usually) wrong. Karma is an … Continue reading