God as Infinite Light: The Mystical Experience
Q: Are these statements right: 1) Christianity expresses that God is not within His creation. He is out of His creation (materiality). 2) Contrary to the idea of Upanishads, in the Western there has been a tendency to assume that the phenomenal or transactional world … Continue reading
Divine Incarnation: Which is Your View of Avatars?
Q: Would you explain the incarnations of the Hindu faith and how we should reconcile Krishna and Jesus? There are two views about divine incarnations in India. The most common is the idea that God incarnates and lives in a physical body. Some say, however, … Continue reading
Understanding the Process of Spiritual Evolution and Reincarnation
Q: May I ask you a question regarding rebirth? Does it always follow the principle of evolution and if so how does that work? The entire purpose of our entering into relative existence is for us to evolve to the point where our consciousness is … Continue reading
Esoteric Knowledge Hidden in the Eastern Orthodox Churches
To someone who wrote asking about some statements I had made regarding the secret esoteric beliefs of many in the Eastern Orthodox churches. In the heart of the Eastern Church is a vast amount of esoteric knowledge that “must be kept secret” because of the … Continue reading
Monastic Life and the Way of the East
To someone who wrote about joining the monastery and receiving “monastic training.” This I tell you very sincerely: monks are born, not made. The idea of “monastic training” gives me the horrors, for it is just brainwashing. The Roman Catholic Church specialized in it for … Continue reading
9 Obstacles to Yoga Meditation You Need to Overcome
The following is an excerpt from Abbot George’s soon-to-be-published Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Yoga Sutra I:30. Disease [vyadhi], languor [styana], doubt [samshaya], carelessness [pramada], laziness [alasya], worldly-mindedness [avirati], delusion [bhranti-darshana], non-achievement of a stage [alabdhabhumikatva], instability [anavashtitatvani], these (nine) cause the distraction … Continue reading