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New Book Available: Hinduism The Universal Religion

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We have published a new book, Hinduism The Universal Religion: A Serious Student’s Guide to Sanatana Dharma, which is now available on Amazon as a paperback and as an eBook. The ebook version is available for a limited time for the introductory price of only 99¢.

Originally printed as The World’s Eternal Religion by the Sri Bharat Dharma Mahamandal Ashram of Varanasi in 1920, Hinduism The Universal Religion is newly edited by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke)

With this book you can take your knowledge of Hinduism to the next level. Written by devout and knowledgable Hindus rather than mere historians and antiquarians, this book is for students wishing to grow beyond a superficial study of Hinduism to understand the “The Way Things Are,” the facts of existence and transcendence.

The book examines who we really are, what the world is, and how we should live our lives to go from mere belief to actual Realization of the Ultimate Reality we call God or Brahman.

What the Authors Say

The original writers say the following in the their Preface: “The Indian Dharma… is a universal spiritual system, recognizing the goal of humanity’s true life, and explaining and guiding its course to that goal. This teaching comes by immemorial tradition from master to pupil and is recorded and preserved in part in the ancient Vedic literature, and in part in the more popular Puranas, Smritis and the like scriptural works, and extensive esoteric cults.

“Indian religion, the everlasting Vedic dharma, which we mean by the title of Sanatana Dharma, the religion of India, is a scientific religion, and as science bars no enquirer against its tests, so the Indian Dharma bars no one from its study and practice. The condition is absolutely in accordance with science; the fitness of the candidate in his progress being determined purely by the law of evolution. We exclude no human being, Indian or non-Indian, civilized or barbarian, from a place of candidature in his evolution to perfection. His right to this is divine, as he in his origin is divine.”

Two books on Hinduism

Since the original title, The World’s Eternal Religion, could be confused with our other publication, Sanatana Dharma, The Eternal Religion, we have retitled this newly edited text Hinduism, the Universal Religion. This is appropriate since Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) is not just universal in relation to this world, it is universal since it deals in detail with the entire nature, history and purpose of the universe itself.

Those who have found value in Sanatana Dharma–The Eternal Religion, will also find this volume useful and informative. In the opinion of the editor, Sanatana Dharma–The Eternal Religion is the basic textbook of Sanatana Dharma, and Hinduism, the Universal Religion is the advanced textbook. Both are invaluable for the serious student of Sanatana Dharma.

Grow your knowledge of Hinduism by taking advantage of this limit time price of 99¢, and get your copy of Hinduism The Universal Religion: A Serious Student’s Guide to Sanatana Dharma.

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