Beyond the Buzz: Why “Legal Intoxicants” Aren’t As Harmless As The Propaganda Says
The term “legal intoxicants” might sound harmless, conjuring images of unwinding with a glass of wine or celebrating with a craft beer. But the reality is far more ominous. Find out how their impact on health and well-being can be far from benign.
New Book Available: How to Read the Tarot
How to Read the Tarot: Discover Swami Nirmalananda’s unique method of reading the Tarot specifically for use with the Rider-Waite deck.
Let The Truth Be Told
We share the following article by Purushottam Nagesh Oak, a Marathi Brahmin, regarding the original nature of the Kaaba as a Shiva temple.
Podcast and Video of Q&A Session
We have now posted all of our past satsangs on our Youtube Channel ( where you can view both full satsangs and excepts, as well as other spiritual videos (we now have 96 videos!)
How to Spend Christmas: A Christmas Message from Paramhansa Yogananda
From Paramhansa Yogananda: “My Christmas wish for you this year is twofold: that the consciousness of Christ be manifest in you through deep meditation, and that your exemplary actions will persuade others to abandon their evil or worldly ways and become spiritual.”
The World’s Eternal Religion: A New Addition to our E-Library
We continue to add to our E-Library of free PDF downloads. In addition to adding our recently published book Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Religion, Swami Nirmalananda has also edited for modern readers another, more in-depth book on Sanatana Dharma called The World’s Eternal Religion, which we have also made available as a free download in our E-Library.