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Podcast: Diet and Consciousness: The Importance of a Pure Diet for the Yogi

vegetarian diet and the yogi

In today’s podcast, Abbot George Burke talks about how diet affects consciousness, and the importance of a pure diet for the yogi.

Abbot George shares these stories:

  • The unusual experiment in diet that Abbot George conducted before teaching a yoga seminar.
  • The positive effect that taking up a vegetarian diet had for exam students.
  • The negative effect that occurred from using just a small amount of liqueur for stomach troubles.
  • How a vegetarian diet is not primarily Ahimsa (harmlessness) for the yogi, but Shaucha (purification).
  • Why Abbot George became an avid food label reader.
  • What happened to Abbot George’s yogi friends who refused to be strict with their diets.

If you do not see the podcast player above, click here to listen to Diet and Consciousness: The Importance of a Pure Diet for the Yogi. The podcast is 10 minutes long.

Further reading and listening:

Vegetarianism: an Interview of Abbot George on Australian Radio

Humans: Are We Carnivores or Vegetarians by Nature?

“Vegetarianism and Occultism” by C. W. Leadbeater

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