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Home » Original Christianity » The Unknown Lives of Jesus and Mary » Chapter Five–The Gospel of Thomas

Chapter Five–The Gospel of Thomas

unknown lives of Jesus and MaryChapter Five of The Unknown Lives of Jesus and Mary

One of the most interesting “finds” in this century was the so-called Gospel of Thomas, which is a collection of esoteric sayings attributed to Jesus, but now we are going to look at another Gospel of Thomas, a book that has much in common with the Apocryphal Gospel of Matthew.

I Thomas, an Israelite, write you this account, that all the brethren from among the heathen [Gentiles–nations] may know the miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ in His infancy, which He did after His birth in our country.

The author simply calls himself “an Israelite,” so it may be that there was no claim at all that he was the Apostle. In the Eastern Church the author is not so designated, but the possibility is considered.

The beginning of it is as follows:

This child Jesus, when five years old, was playing in the ford of a mountain stream; and He collected the flowing waters into pools, and made them clear immediately, and by a word alone He made them obey Him.

Once more we are seeing Jesus’ mastery over matter long before He walked upon the water. This not only reveals His divine status, but also tells us about the nature of matter as thought-power.

And having made some soft clay, He fashioned out of it twelve sparrows. And it was the Sabbath when He did these things. And there were also many other children playing with Him.

And a certain Jew, seeing what Jesus was doing, playing on the Sabbath, went off immediately, and said to his father Joseph: Behold, thy son is at the stream, and has taken clay, and made of it twelve birds, and has profaned the Sabbath.

Although to our way of thinking Jesus was only playing, according to the Jewish definition He was actually working. For in Judaism “work” is defined as anything which produces a change of any kind in something. Thus to turn on an electric light is work, whereas walking in or out of a room is not, since no material object is altered in any way. Naturally, some acts such as eating are work, but are permitted. So by making sculptures, even if for amusement, Jesus was breaking the law of Sabbath rest.

And Joseph, coming to the place and seeing, cried out to Him, saying: Wherefore doest thou on the Sabbath what it is not lawful to do? And Jesus clapped His hands, and cried out to the sparrows, and said to them: Off you go! And the sparrows flew, and went off crying.

Later a similar incident will occur when the scribes object to Jesus telling a paralyzed man that his sins are forgiven.1 To clinch the point, Jesus then cures him and has him walk away. By making the sparrows live Jesus proves that He is indeed Lord of the Sabbath.2 On the metaphysical side He shows that all matter is inherently alive and conscious. Also, turning mud into living bodies is a foreshadowing of turning water into wine, thus demonstrating that nothing is as it seems, but as the creative intelligence wills it to be.

And the Jews seeing this were amazed, and went away and reported to their chief men what they had seen Jesus doing.

And the son of Annas the scribe was standing there with Joseph; and he took a willow branch, and let out the waters which Jesus had collected.

And Jesus, seeing what was done, was angry, and said to him: O wicked, impious, and foolish! what harm did the pools and the waters do to thee? Behold, even now thou shalt be dried up like a tree, and thou shalt not bring forth either leaves, or root [another reading: branches], or fruit. And straightway that boy was quite dried up.

And Jesus departed, and went to Joseph’s house. But the parents of the boy that had been dried up took him up, bewailing his youth, and brought him to Joseph, and reproached him because, said they, thou hast such a child doing such things.

And Jesus, at the entreaty of all of them, healed him.

It might have escaped the parents, but by ruining the pools which Jesus had made, their son was also profaning the Sabbath.

After that He was again passing through the village; and a boy ran up against Him, and struck His shoulder.

And Jesus was angry, and said to him: Thou shalt not go back the way thou camest.

And immediately he fell down dead.

And someone who saw what had taken place, said: Whence was this child begotten, that every word of his is certainly accomplished?

And the parents of the dead boy went away to Joseph, and blamed him, saying: Since thou hast such a child, it is impossible for thee to live with us in the village; or else teach him to bless, and not to curse: for he is killing our children.

And Joseph called the child apart, and admonished Him, saying: Why doest thou such things, and these people suffer, and hate us, and persecute us?

And Jesus said: I know that these words of thine are not thine own; nevertheless for thy sake I will be silent; but they shall bear their punishment.

And straightway those that accused Him were struck blind. And those who saw it were much afraid and in great perplexity, and said about Him: Every word which he spoke, whether good or bad, was an act, and became a wonder.

They are learning! It is an absolute fact that in the mouth of a spiritual adept words are the deed. The will of such a one is a great creative force, as well. So much so that his mere wish or resolve may manifest as an accomplished state without anything more being needed on his part. We then must learn to guard our thoughts, words, and will.

And when they saw that Jesus had done such a thing, Joseph rose and took hold of His ear, and pulled it hard.

And the child was angry, and said to him: It is enough for thee to seek, and not to find; and most certainly thou hast not done wisely. Knowest thou not that I am thine? Do not trouble me.

And a certain teacher, Zacchaeus by name, was standing in a certain place, and heard Jesus thus speaking to his father; and he wondered exceedingly that, being a child, he should speak in such a way.

And a few days thereafter he came to Joseph, and said to him: Thou hast a sensible child, and he has some mind. Give him to me, then, that he may learn letters; and I shall teach him along with the letters all knowledge, both how to address all the elders, and to honor them as forefathers and fathers, and how to love those of his own age.

And He said to him all the letters from the Alpha [Aleph] even to the Omega [Tau], clearly and with great exactness.

Because this is a book for Gentiles, the Greek alphabet may be referred to instead of the Hebrew. However, in the second attempt to educate Jesus the teacher will tell Saint Joseph that he will teach the child Greek before Hebrew, since many Jews were quite Hellenized at this time–in the way the pre-revolutionary aristocratic Russians were educated in French and German before (and sometimes instead of) Russian.

And He looked upon the teacher Zacchaeus, and said to him: Thou who art ignorant of the nature of the Alpha, how canst thou teach other the Beta? Thou hypocrite! first, if thou knowest, teach the A, and then we shall believe thee about the B. Then He began to question the teacher about the first letter, and he was not able to answer Him.

Jesus is trying to get across the principle that all knowledge has a metaphysical basis, and if that inner side is not known, then all knowledge is but ignorance. Specifically He is referring to the occult power of language. Now He will expound the esoteric meaning of the shapes of the letters of the alphabet–using the original Hebrew script which was formed of geometric figures–not the forms that are used in Hebrew now.

And in the hearing of many, the child says to Zacchaeus: Hear, O teacher, the order of the first letter, and notice here how it has lines, and a middle stroke crossing those which thou seest common; [lines] brought together; the highest part supporting them, and again bringing them under one head; with three points of intersection; of the same kind; principal and subordinate; of equal length. Thou hast the lines of the A.

And when the teacher Zacchaeus heard the child speaking such and so great allegories of the first letter, he was at a great loss about such a narrative, and about His teaching.

And he said to those that were present: Alas! I, wretch that I am, am at a loss, bringing shame upon myself by having dragged this child hither. Take him away, then, I beseech thee, brother Joseph. I cannot endure the sternness of his look; I cannot make out his meaning at all.

That child does not belong to this earth; he can tame even fire. Assuredly he was born before the creation of the world. What sort of a belly bore him, what sort of a womb nourished him, I do not know.

Alas! my friend, he has carried me away; I cannot get at his meaning: thrice wretched that I am, I have deceived myself. I made a struggle to have a scholar, and I was found to have a teacher.

My mind is filled with shame, my friends, because I, an old man, have been conquered by a child. There is nothing for me but despondency and death on account of this boy, for I am not able at this hour to look him in the face; and when everybody says that I have been beaten by a little child, what can I say?

And how can I give an account of the lines of the first letter that he spoke about? I know not, O my friends; for I can make neither beginning nor end of him.

Therefore, beseech thee, brother Joseph, take him home. What great thing he is, either god or angel, or what I am to say, I know not.

And when the Jews were encouraging Zacchaeus, the child laughed aloud, and said: Now let thy learning bring forth fruit, and let the blind in heart see.

I am here from above, that I may curse them, and call them to the things that are above, as He that sent me on your account has commanded me.

And when the child ceased speaking, immediately all were made whole who had fallen under His curse.

And no one after that dared to make Him angry, lest He should curse him, and he should be maimed.

These last few sentences do not seem to belong in this place, but seem to fit with the section in which those who complained about Jesus were stricken blind. The meaning is clear, however. Origen has written at length about the fact that God, being love, has only love as a motive for everything He does. Even hell (which exists, though it is not everlasting) has only healing for its purpose. The same is true of these various acts of Jesus, as He makes apparent.

And some days after, Jesus was playing in an upper room of a certain house, and one of the children that were playing with Him fell down from the house, and was killed. And, when the other children saw this, they ran away, and Jesus alone stood still.

And the parents of the dead child coming, reproached and they threatened Him.

And Jesus leaped down from the roof, and stood beside the body of the child, and cried with a loud voice, and said: Zeno–for that was his name–stand up, and tell me; did I throw thee down?

And he stood up immediately, and said: Certainly not, my lord; thou didst not throw me down, but hast raised me up.

And those that saw this were struck with astonishment.

And the child’s parents glorified God on account of the miracle that had happened, and adored Jesus.

A few days after, a young man was splitting wood in the neighborhood, and the axe came down and cut the sole of his foot in two, and he died from loss of blood.

And there was a great commotion and people ran together, and the child Jesus ran there too.

And He pressed through the crowd, and laid hold of the young man’s wounded foot, and he was cured immediately.

And He said to the young man: Rise up, now, split the wood, and remember me.

And the crowd seeing what had happened, adored the child, saying: Truly the Spirit of God dwells in this child.

And when He was six years old, His mother gave Him a pitcher, and sent Him to draw water, and bring it into the house. But He struck against some one in the crowd, and the pitcher was broken.

And Jesus unfolded the cloak which He had on, and filled it up with water, and carried it to His mother.

And His mother, seeing the miracle that had happened, kissed Him, and kept within herself the mysteries which she had seen Him doing.

And again in seed-time, the child went out with His father to sow corn [grain] in their land.

And while His father was sowing, the child Jesus also sowed one grain of corn.

And when He had reaped it, and threshed it, He made a hundred kors; and calling all the poor of the village to the threshing floor, He gave them the corn, and Joseph took away what was left of the corn.

And He was eight years old when He did this miracle.

We are seeing again a demonstration of the potential infinity of matter. That only one grain was sown may seem stretching it a bit to us, but it should not. I personally knew an illumined person who once fed about thirty people from a pot that had only about a teaspoon of food in it. The same person could live on one grain of rice for several weeks. Saint Mary of Egypt once lived on three or four lentils for one year. In 1962 three friends and I drove from Hollywood, California, to San Juan Capistrano and back without burning any measurable amount of gas. When we consider how much energy lies within the atomic structure of matter we should not be amazed or skeptical. Even more we should remember that “reality” is a form of dream, that this universe is essentially mind-stuff.

Of course it would not be sensible to not realize that some accounts of miracles get garbled and even exaggerated, and there is nothing wrong with level-headed skepticism. It is reflexive denial that is as foolish and destructive as unthinking acceptance. Anyway, we need to get busy and produce our own miracles and then we will be qualified to judge the veracity of such accounts.

And His father was a carpenter, and at that time made ploughs and yokes. And a certain rich man ordered him to make him a couch.

And one of what is called the cross pieces being too short, they did not know what to do.

The child Jesus said to His father Joseph: Put down the two pieces of wood, and make them even in the middle.

And Joseph did as the child said to him.

And Jesus stood at the other end, and took hold of the shorter piece of wood, and stretched it, and made it equal to the other.

And His father Joseph saw it, and wondered, and embraced the child, and blessed Him, saying: Blessed am I, because God has given me this child.

And Joseph, seeing that the child was vigorous in mind and body, again resolved that He should not remain ignorant of the letters, and took Him away, and handed Him over to another teacher.

And the teacher said to Joseph: I shall first teach Him the Greek letters, and then the Hebrew. For the teacher was aware of the trial that had been made of the child, and was afraid of Him.

Nevertheless he wrote out the alphabet, and gave Him all his attention for a long time, and He made him no answer.

And Jesus said to him: If thou art really a teacher, and art well acquainted with the letters, tell me the power of the Alpha, and I will tell thee the power of the Beta.

Sound being creative, there is an entire branch of knowledge dealing with the inherent powers of the individual letters of the alphabet as well as their combinations in words. One of my most treasured memories is that of celebrating the Holy Eucharist at the monastery of Al Muharraq on the altar our Lord consecrated in Egypt when He was a child.3 At one point all the monks sang the letter “O” for ten or fifteen minutes, and the effect was indescribable.

And the teacher was enraged at this, and struck Him on the head. And the child, being in pain, cursed him; and immediately he swooned away, and fell to the ground on his face.

And the child returned to Joseph’s house; and Joseph was grieved, and gave order to His mother, saying: do not let him go outside of the door, because those that make him angry die.

This is He who a little over twenty years later shall be scourged, mocked, spat upon, and crucified. And His only response will be to pray for those who are so treating Him.4

And after some time, another master again, a genuine friend of Joseph, said to him: Bring the child to my school; perhaps I shall be able to flatter him into learning his letters.

And Joseph said: If thou hast the courage, brother, take him with thee. And he took Him with him in fear and great agony; but the child went along pleasantly.

And going boldly into the school, He found a book lying on the reading-desk; and taking it, He read not the letters that were in it, but opening His mouth, He spoke by the Holy Spirit, and taught the law to those that were standing round.

And a great crowd having come together, stood by and heard Him, and wondered at the ripeness of His teaching, and the readiness of His words, and that He, child as he was, spoke in such a way. And Joseph hearing of it, was afraid, and ran to the school, in doubt lest this master too should be without experience.

And the master said to Joseph: Know, brother, that I have taken the child as a scholar, and he is full of much grace and wisdom; but I beseech thee, brother, take him home.

And when the child heard this, He laughed at him directly, and said: Since thou hast spoken aright, and witnessed aright, for thy sake he also that was struck down shall be cured.

And immediately the other master was cured.

And Joseph took the child, and went away home.

The other teacher had fallen paralyzed, not dead. But the interesting idea here is that the correct action of one person can mitigate the effect of another’s wrong action. That is, “group karma” can be changed drastically by just one member of that group, for “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”5 We find an affirmation of this in the Old Testament where Abraham is told that if there are only a few just men in Sodom it shall be saved.6 In his autobiography Yogananda states that it is the presence of men of spiritual realization that have preserved India throughout the millennia.

And Joseph sent his son James to tie up wood and bring it home, and the child Jesus also followed him.

And when James was gathering the fagots, a viper bit James’ hand.

And when he was racked with pain, and at the point of death, Jesus came near and blew upon the bite; and the pain ceased directly, and the beast burst, and instantly James remained safe and sound.

And after this the infant of one of Joseph’s neighbors fell sick and died, and its mother wept sore.

And Jesus heard that there was great lamentation and commotion, and ran in haste, and found the child dead, and touched his breast and said: I say to thee, child, be not dead, but live, and be with thy mother.

And directly it looked up and laughed.

And He said to the woman: Take it, and give it milk, and remember me.

In this, as in His raising of the son of the widow in Nain,7 we cannot help but feel that Jesus was looking forward to the time when His own Mother would be grieved at the death of Her child. There is something truly touching in his words: “Take it, and give it milk, and remember me.”

And seeing this, the crowd that was standing by wondered, and said: Truly this child was either God or an angel of God, for every word of his is a certain fact.

And Jesus went out thence, playing with the other children.

Although the elders of Israel were theologically outraged by the “blasphemous” idea that Jesus–or any being in human form–could be God incarnate, we see that the ordinary people had no such philosophical block. And again we can see that they were being prepared for the revelation of Him as truly being incarnate deity.

And some time after there occurred a great commotion while a house was building, and Jesus stood up and went away to the place.

And seeing a man lying dead, He took him by the hand, and said: Man, I say to thee, arise, and go on with thy work.

And directly he rose up, and adored Him.

And seeing this, the crowd wondered, and said: This child is from heaven, for he has saved many souls from death, and he continues to save during all his life.

In Aramaic they are making a play on words, for His name in Hebrew means “The Lord shall save.”

And when He was twelve years old His parents went as usual to Jerusalem to the feast of the passover with their fellow-travelers.

And after the passover they were coming home again.

And while they were coming home, the child Jesus went back to Jerusalem.

And His parents thought that He was in the company.

And having gone one day’s journey, they sought for Him among their relations; and not finding Him, they were in great grief, and turned back to the city seeking for Him.

And after the third day they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing the law and asking them questions.

And they were all attending to Him, and wondering that He, being a child, was shutting the mouths of the elders and teachers of the people, explaining the main points of the law and the parables of the prophets.

And His mother Mary coming up said to Him: Why hast thou done this to us, child? Behold, we have been seeking for thee in great trouble.

And Jesus said to them: Why do you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?

And the scribes and the Pharisees said: Art thou the mother of this child? And she said: I am. And they said to her: Blessed art thou among women, for God hath blessed the fruit of thy womb; for such glory, and such virtue, and wisdom, we have neither seen nor heard ever.

And Jesus rose up and followed His mother, and was subject to His parents.

And His mother observed all these things that had happened.

And Jesus advanced in wisdom, and stature, and grace. To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

There is another form of this book in Greek. Since it is nearly identical with the foregoing text, I will just set forth the differences. The first is in the opening sentence:

I Thomas the Israelite have deemed it necessary to make known to all the brethren of the heathen the great things which our Lord Jesus Christ did in His childhood, when He dwelt in the body in the city of Nazareth, going [beginning] in the fifth year of His age.

The interesting part of this sentence is “when He dwelt in the body.” Early on there was quite a controversy about whether Jesus did or did not have an actual mutable and perishable physical body (which would imply that He had the inner bodies of a human being as well). This is because usually an Incarnation is not conceived and born in the usual way, but makes His/Her appearance in the world more in the manner of an illusion. The Body of the Incarnation is pure consciousness, unmodified into matter. Actually, the body is a veil, a thin overlay assumed simply so human beings can see and interact with it.

With Jesus this was quite different. He did indeed possess a true human body as well as the other bodies that make up what we call a human being.

In the incident of the seven pools made by Jesus it has been said that He made the waters obey by His word.8 This version has:

Then He says: It is my will that you become clear and excellent water. And they became so directly.

Another incident is given thus:

And some days after, when Jesus was going through the midst of the city, a boy threw a stone at Him, and struck Him on the shoulder.

And Jesus said to him: Thou shalt not go on thy way.

And directly falling down, he also died.

And they that happened to be there were struck with astonishment, saying: Whence is this child that every word he says is certainly accomplished?

And they also went and reproached Joseph, saying: it is impossible for thee to live with us in this city: but if thou wishest to do so, teach thy child to bless, and not to curse: for he is killing our children, and everything that he says is certainly accomplished.

When the teacher Zacchaeus assures Saint Joseph that he can educate Jesus:

Jesus hearing, laughed, and said to them: You say what you know; but I know more than you, for I am before the ages.

And I know when your fathers’ fathers were born; and I know how many are the years of your life.

And hearing this, they were struck with astonishment.

And again Jesus said to them: You wonder because I said to you that I knew how many are the years of your life. Assuredly I know when the world was created.

Behold, you do not believe me now. When you see my cross, then will ye believe that I speak the truth.

And they were struck with astonishment when they heard these things.

Jesus recited all the letters of the alphabet straight through and then challenged Zacchaeus regarding their meaning.

The rest of the second Greek version has no significant differences from the first one. There is, however, a Latin text which begins differently, as follows:

When a commotion took place in consequence of the search made by Herod for our Lord Jesus Christ to kill Him, then an angel said to Joseph: Take Mary and her boy, and flee into Egypt from the face of those who seek to kill Him. And Jesus was two years old when He went into Egypt.

And as He was walking through a field of corn, He stretched forth His hand, and took of the ears, and put them over the fire, and rubbed them, and began to eat.

And when they had come into Egypt, they received hospitality in the house of a certain widow, and they remained in the same place one year.

And Jesus was in His third year. And seeing boys playing, He began to play with them. And He took a dried fish, and put it into a basin, and ordered it to move about. And it began to move about.

And He said again to the fish: Throw out thy salt which thou hast, and swim in the water. And it so came to pass.

And the neighbors, seeing what had been done, told it to the widow woman in whose house Mary His mother lived. And as soon as she heard it, she thrust them out of her house with great haste.

This may have been the first “resurrection” miracle of Jesus.

And as Jesus was walking with Mary His mother through the middle of the city marketplace, He looked and saw a schoolmaster teaching his scholars.

And behold twelve sparrows that were quarrelling fell over the wall into the bosom of that schoolmaster, who was teaching the boys.

And seeing this, Jesus was very much amused, and stood still.

And when that teacher saw Him making merry, he said to his scholars with great fury: Go and bring him to me.

And when they had carried Him to the master, he seized Him by the ear, and said: What didst thou see, to amuse thee so much?

And He said to him: Master, see my hand is full of wheat. I showed it to them, and scattered the wheat among them, and they carry it out of the middle of the street where they are in danger; and on this account they fought among themselves to divide the wheat.

And Jesus did not pass from the place until it was accomplished.

And this being done, the master began to thrust Him out of the city, along with His mother.

And lo, the angel of the Lord met Mary, and said to her: Take up the boy, and return into the land of the Jews, for they who sought His life are dead.

And Mary rose up with Jesus; and they proceeded into the city of Nazareth, which is among the possessions of her father.

So Mary–and therefore Jesus–owned Nazareth!

And when Joseph went out of Egypt after the death of Herod, he kept Him in the desert until there should be quietness in Jerusalem on the part of those who were seeking the boy’s life.

And he gave thanks to God because He had given him understanding, and because he had found favor in the presence of the Lord God. Amen.

When the Pharisee took a stick and destroyed the pools, Jesus revealed as He reproached him that the man had been one of those destroyed in Sodom in his previous birth.

According to the Latin version, when Saint Joseph grabbed Jesus by the ear, Jesus said to him:

It is enough for thee to see me, not to touch me. For thou knowest not who I am; but if thou didst know, thou wouldst not make me angry. And although just now I am with thee, I was brought forth before thee.

When Zacchaeus the teacher told Saint Joseph that he would educate Jesus, “so that he may be no fool,” here is the result:

But Joseph answered and said to him: No one can teach him but God alone. You do not believe that this little boy will be of little consequence do you?

And when Jesus heard Joseph speaking in this way, he said to Zacchaeus: Indeed, master, whatever proceeds from my mouth is true. And before all I was Lord, but you are foreigners.

In truth, we are foreigners both to the world of God and to this world until we, too, sit in the throne with the Father.9 It is common to think that God’s “proper” place is far beyond this world, but of course, since everything is God, no one but God is really a native to any world.

To me has been given the glory of the ages, to you has been given nothing; because I am before the ages.

Exoterics always mistake such expressions and interpret them to mean that Jesus is claiming that He existed before any thing or anyone else–which, of course, is not true since all spirits are co-eternal with God. An “age” is only secondarily a unit of time. Rather, an age–that is, an aeon–is a level of existence, a world. The rulers of the aeons are sometimes themselves called aeons. But what Jesus means in this and other passages is that He has taken His consciousness far beyond relativity and has established it in the Source of all, the transcendent state that is “before the ages.”

And I know how many years of life thou wilt have, and that thou wilt be carried into exile: and my Father hath appointed this, that thou mayest understand that whatever proceeds from my mouth is true.

And the Jews who were standing by, and hearing the words which Jesus spoke, were astonished, and said: We have seen such wonderful things, and heard such words from that boy, as we have never heard, nor are likely to hear from any other human being–either from the high priests, or the masters, or the Pharisees.

Jesus answered and said to them: Why do you wonder? Do you consider it incredible that I have spoken the truth? I know when both you and your fathers were born, and to tell you more, when the world was made; I know also who sent me to you.

And when the Jews heard the words which the child had spoken, they wondered, because that they were not able to answer.

And communing with Himself, the child exulted and said: I have told you a proverb; and I know that you are weak and ignorant.

The teacher did not catch on, and persisted until Jesus plainly told him: “to me they are like vessels from which there come forth only sounds, and no wisdom.” And again He recites the alphabet.

Next: Chapter Six–The Infancy of the Savior

1) “They brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth. And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? For whether is easier, to say, [Thy] sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house. And he arose, and departed to his house.” (Matthew 9:2-7) [Go back]

2) Matthew 12:8 [Go back]

3) “In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt.” (Isaiah 19:19) [Go back]

4) “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) [Go back]

5) Galatians 5:9 [Go back]

6) Genesis 18:23-33 [Go back]

7) “And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people.” (Luke 7:11-16) [Go back]

8) “And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.” (Luke 8:25) [Go back]

9) “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” (Revelation 3:21) [Go back]

Unknown Lives of Jesus and Mary

Introduction to The Unknown Lives of Jesus and Mary
Unknown Histories of Jesus and Mary