New Book Available: How to Read the Tarot
How to Read the Tarot: Discover Swami Nirmalananda’s unique method of reading the Tarot specifically for use with the Rider-Waite deck.
“Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Religion” Now Available as Paperback and Ebook
We are happy to announce the launching of a new book, Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Religion as a paperback and ebook, available at Amazon and other online bookstores. This week the ebook will be on sale for only 99¢.
Now Available: Bio-Magnetic Therapy: Healing In Your Hands
We are happy to announce that we have re-published Swami Nirmalananda’s health classic “Bio-Magnetic Therapy: Healing in Your Hands”. It is now available as a paperback and ebook at Amazon and other online bookstores. This week the Kindle version is only 99¢.
“Wandering With The Cherubim” Now Available on Amazon
We are happy to announce that Wandering With The Cherubim: A Commentary on the Mystical Verse of Angelus Silesius–The Cherubinic Wanderer by Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) has been published and is now available at Amazon, and the ebook is available for only 99¢ for a limited time.
4 Practical Benefits of Meditation
Here are four scientific reports about the practical benefits of meditation, primarily how meditation affects the brain.
Podcast: Great Yogis I Have Known, plus New Articles, Videos, & Books
In this satsang Swami Nirmalananda talks about great yogis he has known. We have also added new articles, new videos, new books in our free eLibrary, and in our monthly Zoom satsangs.