How Enlightenment is Reached in Seven Stages
Sutras 27 and 28 of Book Two of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2: 27. In his case the highest stage of enlightenment [prajna] is reached by seven stages. Swami Vivekananda’s explanation of this is extremely valuable, so here it is: “When this knowledge … Continue reading
Meditation and the Heart
Q: I am looking for a type of meditation that focuses on the heart in order to attain pure love: a loving path, a way to be purified in heart as Jesus said. Can you help me in this? It is important to realize that … Continue reading
What is the Name of God?
A Continuation of the Commentary on Theologia Germanica, by the Frankfurter. The things which are in part can be apprehended, known, and expressed; but the Perfect cannot be apprehended, known, or expressed by any creature as creature. The ancient sages of India knew by direct … Continue reading
The Purpose of Life, and How to Attain It
Sutras 23 through 26 of Book Two of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2: 23. The purpose of the coming together of the purusha and prakriti is the gaining by the purusha of the awareness of his true nature and the unfoldment of powers … Continue reading
Two Views on the Nature of Meditation – and a Third
In India there is a long-standing disagreement on the nature and purpose of meditation. One school of thought considers that definite–and conscious–evolutionary change is necessary for liberation; consequently meditation must be an actively transforming process. The other view is that the only thing needed for … Continue reading
How You Can Break Through the Net of Maya
“This, My Maya, made up of the three gunas, is difficult to penetrate” (Bhagavad Gita 7:14). Since time immemorial Maya has been referred to as a net such as is used for catching fish and birds. However hard it may be to break through this … Continue reading