The April Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be held on Saturday, April 5th, at 12 noon EST.
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Humans: Are We Carnivores or Vegetarians by Nature?

Carnivores or Vegetarians? (lion and elephant)

How humans are not physically created/evolved to eat meat

[We found this useful article and would like to share it with our readers. The author is unknown.]

Although some historians and anthropologists say that man is historically omnivorous, our anatomical equipment ­ teeth, jaws, and digestive system ­ favors a fleshless diet. The American Dietetic Association notes that “most of mankind for most of human history has lived on vegetarian or near-vegetarian diets.”

And much of the world still lives that way. Even on most industrialized countries, the love affair with meat is less than a hundred years old. It started with the refrigerator car and the twentieth-century consumer society. But even with the twentieth century, man’s body hasn’t adapted to eating meat. The prominent Swedish scientist Karl von Linne states, “Man’s structure, external and internal, compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables constitute his natural food.”

Comparison between carnivores, herbivores and humans

When you look at the comparison between herbivores and humans, we compare much more closely to herbivores than meat eating animals. Humans are clearly not designed to digest and ingest meat.

  • Meat-eaters: have claws
    Herbivores: no claws
    Humans: no claws
  • Meat-eaters: have no skin pores and perspire through the tongue
    Herbivores: perspire through skin pores
    Humans: perspire through skin pores

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Remembering Sivananda, Podcast Part 2

During his first trip to India in 1962 Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) was blessed to spend time with the great Swami Sivananda at his ashram in Rishikesh. In this three-part podcast Abbot George shares his memories of this saint with visitors to our … Continue reading

Vegetarians Less Likely to Develop Cancer

We recently came upon an article on the beneficial effects of vegetarian diet in The Guardian, on of England’s largest daily newspapers. The article by Karen McVeigh details findings from a study done at the Cancer Research UK epidemiology unit at Oxford University in the … Continue reading