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99 Cent Sale of “The Dhammapada for Awakening” Kindle Ebook

Dhammapada for Awakening coverDo you love reading great ebooks on your Kindle or Ipad? Then for a limited time you can add Abbot George Burke’s highly reviewed The Dhammapada for Awakening: A Commentary on Buddha’s Practical Wisdom to your digital Kindle ebook reader at a bargain price. Normally available at $2.99, it is now available for only 99¢ at today and through Sunday, November 22, 2014.

Offer ended. But the ebook is still only $2.99, A great bargain.


The Dhammapada for Awakening explores the Buddha’s answers to the urgent questions, such as “How can I find find lasting peace, happiness and fulfillment that seems so elusive?” and “What can I do to avoid many of the miseries big and small that afflict all of us?”.

Drawing on the proven wisdom of different ancient traditions, and the contemporary masters of spiritual life, as well as his own studies and first-hand knowledge of the mystical traditions of East and West, Abbot George illumines the practical wisdom of Buddha in the Dhammapada – and more importantly, makes that teaching relevant to present day spiritual seekers.

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Here are excerpts of some of the reviews:

—Rev. Gerry Nangle, Vice President of Johrei Fellowship ★★★★★

“You can pick it up and find practical ideas and guidance on any page…. The writing is well crafted and stocked with anecdotes, humor, literary references and beautiful quotes from the Buddha. I found it to be entertaining as well as illuminating and have come to consider it a guide to daily living.”

—Christopher T. Cook ★★★★★

“I would go as far as to say this is a must read for anyone trying to further their understanding of not only the teaching of the Buddha but the teachings contained in Christianity and Hinduism as well.”

—Anna Hourihan, publisher and editor of Vedanta Shores Press ★★★★★

“This is a book youíll want to take your time to read and keep as reference to reread. Highly recommended for earnest spiritual aspirants, especially those who may need a prod to keep them moving forward.”

—from the Amazon reader Tachirah ★★★★★

“There is no modern scholar who in my opinion has a better grasp of these topics than Abbot George. Highly recommended for the sincere seeker who is not content with labels, but wishes to understand. You will find no better living teacher than this one.”

—Ryan J. Dejonghe, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer ★★★★

“This is a working commentary that often causes moments to pause, ponder, and reflect, inspiring long moments of meditation…. I’m especially thankful for the ongoing commentary to help my understanding of the older language and original translations.”

After the sale ends, the price goes back to $2.99, still a good price but not as good as 99¢! Also, remember the book is available as a paperback on the same page.

get your kindle ebook now

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