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Living the Yoga Life: Touch Not

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“Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (II Corinthians 6:17). The yogi is not intended to be a pharisee or a snob, nevertheless he is called out from the delusions of samsara, much of which are part of ordinary daily life. The yoga life is separation on all levels, for body, mind and soul are in constant interchange in a kind of “chicken or the egg?” situation. And as Saint John has told us: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure” (I John 3:1,2).

Purity is a matter of vibration, and so also is impurity. It is a matter of magnetism: when we encounter or touch an object, its vibrations begin to influence our own vibrations. Objects, places, and persons can elevate or degrade our personal vibrations.


It is significant that in the Bible the Hebrew word for pure is taher, which means “to be bright.” Purity is that which reveals and conveys the divine light. The Greek word katharos used in the New Testament means “to be clear” like a crystal. Here, too, is the idea of receiving and even magnifying light. By this we can see that purity is a state of being, which includes vibrations of spiritual, divine Light.

The two major factors for purity are meditation and diet. That is obvious. People are a third very major factor. Just being in their aura affects us. Therefore we have to be careful of all associations, even casual ones.

To keep this simple, I will just list here the impure things that must be carefully avoided by us. This is part of the successful yoga life.

Money from an impure source:

given us by a negative person,

earned by working for a negative person or business,

earned by not purely honest or moral means.

Employment by a negative, corrupt, or dishonest person or business, or that necessitates close contact with people of low vibrations.

Things given us by morally corrupt people, or received undeservingly.

Anything, including clothing, made of impure elements such as leather, fur, bone (bone china, for example), etc.

Anything given us dishonestly or with the intention to influence us in any way.

Food prepared by an impure or negative person. Cooked food especially picks up the vibrations around it as well as those of the cooks.

Water is extremely susceptible to vibrations. We must be very careful about the water we wash with and drink. It is absolutely unclean to swim in swimming pools with other people.

Anything derived from animal sources, especially those that entail the death, suffering or imprisonment of the animals.

Music written or performed by impure or ignorant people, especially “pop” music of all kinds. Music is vibration, and directly goes into our subtle bodies and mind and shapes them. Music is an effective tool for both negative and positive influence.

Books written by or about impure persons or subjects. Books embody the mind-vibrations of the authors, therefore a person who reads a book takes into himself the mental vibration of the author. Books on occultism can particularly be sources of negative vibrations. There are some books that simply have to go–and not into a used book store to infect others, but into the garbage and on to the dump.

The touch of living beings imparts their biomagnetic energies directly into our physical and subtle bodies. Be extremely careful whom you touch and whom you allow to touch you–even slightly. Assiduously avoid chronic huggers, touchers and kissers. They are psychic invaders and vampires.


We are profoundly affected by what we see, because the experience of sight shapes our mental energies into the visual impressions we are receiving. All visual images are inside us, even if the objects are outside us. We psychically touch whatever we look at fixedly. Pictures and visual images directly influence us. Motion pictures and television broadcasts directly feed into our mind the underlying vibrations of the producers, the actors and the sound tracks.


Not only do we not touch or keep the unclean–unbalanced or negative–thing, we do not allow it to touch us.


Most of the things listed above have positive counterparts that will be uplifting to the yogi. Consequently we should be sure to surround ourselves with such beneficial influences.

It is like this: “The kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away” (Matthew 13:47-48). We need to go through the net of our life and keep the good and toss away the bad. Then we will make spiritual progress unhindered by any outside influences.

Next in Living the Yoga Life: The Gita Speaks To The Yogi

About to Living the Yoga Life–Perspectives on Yoga

Living the Yoga Life–Perspectives on Yoga

Living the Yoga Life–Perspectives on Yoga: Introduction

    1. Living the Yoga Life: Climbing the Ladder of Consciousness
    2. Living the Yoga Life: Sanatana Dharma, Sanatana Yoga
    3. Living the Yoga Life: The Atman/Self
    4. Living the Yoga Life: Bhakti and Jnana
    5. Living the Yoga Life: Brahman
    6. Living the Yoga Life: Ishwara
    7. Living the Yoga Life: Breath
    8. Living the Yoga Life: India and Sanatana Dharma
    9. Living the Yoga Life: The Importance of Independence
    10. Living the Yoga Life: The Intelligent Path
    11. Living the Yoga Life: The Internal Life
    12. Living the Yoga Life: Japa and Sound (Shabda)
    13. Living the Yoga Life: Japa with the Breath
    14. Living the Yoga Life: Jnana
    15. Living the Yoga Life: The Jnani
    16. Living the Yoga Life: Karma and Karma Yoga
    17. Living the Yoga Life: Kundalini
    18. Living the Yoga Life: Liberation
    19. Living the Yoga Life: It Is All Up To Us
    20. Living the Yoga Life: Madness, Divine and Worldly
    21. Living the Yoga Life: Manas (Mind) and Buddhi (Intelligence/Intellect)
    22. Living the Yoga Life: Buddhi Yoga
    23. Living the Yoga Life: True Masters (And Not)
    24. Living the Yoga Life: Maya
    25. Living the Yoga Life: Meditation
    26. Living the Yoga Life: Prana
    27. Living the Yoga Life: Raja Yoga
    28. Living the Yoga Life: Reincarnation
    29. Living the Yoga Life: Religion
    30. Living the Yoga Life: Samadhi
    31. Living the Yoga Life: Sadhana
    32. Living the Yoga Life: Dedication to Spiritual Life
    33. Living the Yoga Life: Self-realization
    34. Living the Yoga Life: Shivashakti
    35. Living the Yoga Life: Spiritual Experience
    36. Living the Yoga Life: The Spiritual Teacher
    37. Living the Yoga Life: Subtle Anatomy
    38. Living the Yoga Life: The World
    39. Living the Yoga Life: Worship
    40. Living the Yoga Life: Yoga, the Body and the World
    41. Living the Yoga Life: Dharma and Adharma
    42. Living the Yoga Life: Yoga–The Supreme Dharma
    43. Living the Yoga Life: Yoga Nidra
    44. Living the Yoga Life: The Yogi
    45. Living the Yoga Life: Some Advice to Yogis
    46. Living the Yoga Life: Qualities of a Yogi
    47. Living the Yoga Life: This and That
    48. Living the Yoga Life: Touch Not
    49. Living the Yoga Life: The Gita Speaks To The Yogi
    50. Living the Yoga Life: How It Is Done
    51. Living the Yoga Life: Use your mind
    52. Living the Yoga Life: Some things it is wise to avoid
    53. Living the Yoga Life: Things you should definitely do and have in your life
    54. Living the Yoga Life: Spiritual Reading
    55. Living the Yoga Life: Gorakhnath Speaks To The Yogi
    56. Living the Yoga Life: And A Final Word From Me