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Living the Yoga Life: Some things it is wise to avoid

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Avoid the merely religious–the more religious, the more they should be avoided. Remember that crazy religion makes crazies, lying religions make liars and hypocrites, and ignorant religion makes ignoramuses.


Avoid those whose religion is nothing more than believing in some book or doing merely external observances.


Avoid spiritual dabblers and followers of fake gurus or false religions. Sincerity counts for nothing when a person is sincerely ignorant.


Avoid vows of any kind, and that includes any of your own making. Do not vow: Do it. Live it.


Avoid health crazes, but do learn about alternative therapies, especially vibrational medicine and those that deal with bio-energy such as homeopathy and naturopathy. (But avoid the outrageous fakes that charge huge fees.) They are the most suitable for a yogi, though other modes of medicine should not be ignored or rejected.


Avoid proselytizers of all sorts, whatever their philosophy.


Avoid all supposed yogis and gurus that make annual tours around the world.


Avoid shallow people of all types.


Avoid those who do not respect your spiritual orientation and life.


Avoid those that claim to be “spiritual but not religious.” They are not. True religion is the science of the spirit, and that alone opens the path to spirituality.


Avoid the impure and the materialistic.


Avoid people who are hell-bent on making themselves and others “nice.”


Avoid those who cannot take a stand on anything.


Avoid those who advertise themselves (and their religion if they have any) as “inclusive” and “non-judgmental.” They are morally and spiritually bankrupt, and usually immoral.


As said previously, avoid women that want to be your “mother” and men that want to be your “father.” Even in India this is always a prelude to attempted sexual impropriety. And remember: old people can have very “young” ideas about you-know-what.


Avoid those that are “offended” when your ideas do not suit them and “hurt” when they cannot bully or blackmail you into conforming to their ways or get you to do what they want. HOLD TO YOUR PRINCIPLES. Once you lose them you have nothing at all–and are nothing at all.


Avoid those that have no sense of humor–especially about themselves.


Avoid all political entanglements.


Avoid all “good deeds” and social activism–and those addicted to them.


Avoid all Western “advaita teachers” and most of the Eastern ones, too.


Avoid all religious and spiritual teachers and teachings that are not based on yoga and spiritual experience. (I use “yoga” here in the broad sense of any consciousness-opening methodology.)


Avoid like poison those who use any kind of mind-altering substance, pretending it “opens” them to higher consciousness and perceptions.


Avoid all addicts of any kind, including nicotine and alcohol addicts, because they are next to demons.


Avoid becoming addicted to anything yourself, material, intellectual, or spiritual (God excepted).


Avoid thinking you can help others when they will not help themselves. You have to do it alone, and so do they. Point them to your sources of wisdom and let them go for it on their own steam. Otherwise you are just churning water in hope of getting milk and trying to dig a hole in the sky–it will never happen.


Avoid those that are not willing to “go it alone” just as you are doing.


Avoid those that always “need to talk to someone.”


Avoid people who have to be consoled and cajoled to keep up spiritual life.


Avoid those who continually claim to be “disturbed,” “worried,” and “confused”–especially in relation to you and your ideals and way of life.


Avoid those who claim to be liberal or broad-minded. They never are.


Avoid those who claim they need spiritual “help.” God truly does only help those that help themselves.


Avoid anyone who habitually says: “I am a ‘doubting Thomas.’” They are not doubters, but deniers who will become very unhappy with you if you prove to be true the things they pretend to doubt.


Avoid monotonous and boring people. As a wonderful American saint once said to me in reference to man I knew: “Why carry around empty space?”


Avoid useless thought and talk about “getting rid of the ego.” Meditate and the ego will vanish like the ghost it really is.


Avoid compromise like the death-bearing evil it is.


Avoid food-faddism and be very wary of what the “experts” say about diet. In fact, pay very little attention to “scholars,” “experts,” and (especially) “scientists” and “science.”


Avoid thinking there is anything you cannot live without–except God.


Avoid the world of men and live in the world of God.

Next in Living the Yoga Life: Things you should definitely do and have in your life

About to Living the Yoga Life–Perspectives on Yoga

Living the Yoga Life–Perspectives on Yoga

Living the Yoga Life–Perspectives on Yoga: Introduction

    1. Living the Yoga Life: Climbing the Ladder of Consciousness
    2. Living the Yoga Life: Sanatana Dharma, Sanatana Yoga
    3. Living the Yoga Life: The Atman/Self
    4. Living the Yoga Life: Bhakti and Jnana
    5. Living the Yoga Life: Brahman
    6. Living the Yoga Life: Ishwara
    7. Living the Yoga Life: Breath
    8. Living the Yoga Life: India and Sanatana Dharma
    9. Living the Yoga Life: The Importance of Independence
    10. Living the Yoga Life: The Intelligent Path
    11. Living the Yoga Life: The Internal Life
    12. Living the Yoga Life: Japa and Sound (Shabda)
    13. Living the Yoga Life: Japa with the Breath
    14. Living the Yoga Life: Jnana
    15. Living the Yoga Life: The Jnani
    16. Living the Yoga Life: Karma and Karma Yoga
    17. Living the Yoga Life: Kundalini
    18. Living the Yoga Life: Liberation
    19. Living the Yoga Life: It Is All Up To Us
    20. Living the Yoga Life: Madness, Divine and Worldly
    21. Living the Yoga Life: Manas (Mind) and Buddhi (Intelligence/Intellect)
    22. Living the Yoga Life: Buddhi Yoga
    23. Living the Yoga Life: True Masters (And Not)
    24. Living the Yoga Life: Maya
    25. Living the Yoga Life: Meditation
    26. Living the Yoga Life: Prana
    27. Living the Yoga Life: Raja Yoga
    28. Living the Yoga Life: Reincarnation
    29. Living the Yoga Life: Religion
    30. Living the Yoga Life: Samadhi
    31. Living the Yoga Life: Sadhana
    32. Living the Yoga Life: Dedication to Spiritual Life
    33. Living the Yoga Life: Self-realization
    34. Living the Yoga Life: Shivashakti
    35. Living the Yoga Life: Spiritual Experience
    36. Living the Yoga Life: The Spiritual Teacher
    37. Living the Yoga Life: Subtle Anatomy
    38. Living the Yoga Life: The World
    39. Living the Yoga Life: Worship
    40. Living the Yoga Life: Yoga, the Body and the World
    41. Living the Yoga Life: Dharma and Adharma
    42. Living the Yoga Life: Yoga–The Supreme Dharma
    43. Living the Yoga Life: Yoga Nidra
    44. Living the Yoga Life: The Yogi
    45. Living the Yoga Life: Some Advice to Yogis
    46. Living the Yoga Life: Qualities of a Yogi
    47. Living the Yoga Life: This and That
    48. Living the Yoga Life: Touch Not
    49. Living the Yoga Life: The Gita Speaks To The Yogi
    50. Living the Yoga Life: How It Is Done
    51. Living the Yoga Life: Use your mind
    52. Living the Yoga Life: Some things it is wise to avoid
    53. Living the Yoga Life: Things you should definitely do and have in your life
    54. Living the Yoga Life: Spiritual Reading
    55. Living the Yoga Life: Gorakhnath Speaks To The Yogi
    56. Living the Yoga Life: And A Final Word From Me