New Youtube Video: Yogis Who Saw Jesus
One of the most popular blog posts on is “Yogis Who Saw Jesus” with nearly 40,000 views. So we have made a 6:32 minute YouTube video of this post to share with a wider audience.
Three Questions About Advaita Vedanta
The world is absolutely real, but our ideas and even our experiences of it are to a great degree illusion. The illustrations of the snake in the rope or the man in a tree trunk apply here. The impression in the mind is a real experience, but it is mistaken–misinterpreted by us. The object that produced that impression is real, but our seeing of it is completely wrong, arising from our own unenlightened mind.
What Is an “Aryan”?–A Hindu View
Arya comes from the root word ri, which means “to rise upward.” A legitimate translation is: “one who strives upward.” So important was arya in the vocabulary of the ancient Indian sages that India itself was known as Aryavarta, the Land of the Aryas.
Raga and Dwesha: Key Concepts in Yoga You Should Know
Two of the most important words in analyzing the dilemma of the human condition are Raga and Dwesha–the powerful duo that motivate virtually all human endeavor. Buddha, in common with all philosophers of India, continually refers to them, so an understanding of their import is essential to us.
Learning in the Theater of Life
Through meditation we come to separate ourselves from the movie screen of illusion. Learning is the purpose of the movie, so we do not just throw the switch and leave the theater. Rather, we watch and figure out the meaning of everything. When we have learned the lessons, the movie will stop of itself. Discover how Yoga is the means to learn.
You Know More Than You Think You Do
The famous “baby doctor,” Dr. Spock, opened his book on caring for infants with a statement that astounded everyone. Addressing the mothers reading the book he said: “You know more than you know you do.” And urged them to rely on that knowledge. What he was saying, actually, was that they possessed “mother’s intuition” and should learn to tap it and act on it.