Podcast and Video of Q&A Session
We have now posted all of our past satsangs on our Youtube Channel (YouTube.com/@LightoftheSpirit) where you can view both full satsangs and excepts, as well as other spiritual videos (we now have 96 videos!)
Podcast: What Happens to the Soul After Death?
The afterlife of any individual depends on the life of that individual. Each life is unique, and what happens afterwards depends on how a person lived that life, and the lives before. Learn how our karma (our actions) will determine where we go after death, and more in this podcast and video.
Questions & Answers with Swami Nirmalananda from September
At our monthly online Satsangs there are many more questions that can be answered in an hour. So we are going to be regularly posting answers to the extra questions. Here are Swami Nirmalananda’s answers to the questions left over after the September Satsang.
Podcast: The “Mind” of Anandamyi Ma
Swami Nirmalananda was under Anandamayi Ma’s guidance from 1963 until her leaving this world in 1982. He made many trips to India during this time and knew many of the people in her orbit. Here he shares some stories about her unique nature.
Podcast: What is Aparigraha?
Click here to listen to What is Aparigraha? (The Yoga Term for Non-Possessiveness) – Satsang With Swami Nirmalananda Giri