The April Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be held on Saturday, April 5th, at 12 noon EST.
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India: Forgive, But Don’t Forget

It is foolish to expect Hindus to forget seven hundred years of cruel oppression under Moslem rulership which included both bribing and forcing Hindus to convert. Nor need Hindus forget three hundred years of cruel Christian oppression in which people were bribed and coerced into converting.

Why the Cow is Worshipped in India

It is understandable that cows are sometimes honored with the waving of lights, the placing of tilak, etc. The same thing has been done there for thousands of years to human beings of great merit. The worship of Gomata is the worship of God through the representative of his bountiful gift to us in the cow.