The August online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda (Abbot George Burke) will be on Saturday, August 4th, at 12 Noon, EST.
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How to Develop Intuition

An article by Paramhansa Yogananda from the October 1939 Inner Culture Magazine Intuition is that directly perceiving faculty of the soul which at once knows the truth about anything. Unless you have the power of intuition, you cannot possibly know Truth. It is the knowing … Continue reading

Happiness Is in the Mind

This article is a continuation of a series Paramhansa Yogananda wrote during the depression about “Creating Your Happiness.” Happiness is a will-o’-the-wisp which most people follow, and which oftentimes leads them astray until they drown in the marshes of suffering. Most temporary, easily attained, so-called … Continue reading