Youtube Spiritual Shorts
Our Youtube channel ( has reached the milestone of 30,000 subscribers, with over 200 videos. Here are a few of the shorts that we feature.
Our Youtube channel ( has reached the milestone of 30,000 subscribers, with over 200 videos. Here are a few of the shorts that we feature.
An Orthodox priest asked us to research reincarnation in early Christianity so he could prove that Christians could believe in reincarnation. Discover his amazing betrayal!
The Online Gita Talks by Swami Nirmalananda which we have been posting on Youtube for the last half-year continue to grow. We have now posted 50 talks.
We have just published Swami Nirmalananda’s newest book, Light on the Path For Awakening: A Commentary on Mabel Collins’ Spiritual Classic. It is now available in paperback at and the ebook is on sale for only 99¢ for a limited time in our new book release sale.
Swami Nirmalananda has begun a series of talks on Youtube talking about Soham Yoga Meditation. Watch here.
The December Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be on Saturday, December 7th, and 12 Noon, EST.