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Getting Out of the Mirror

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Part 3 of Dwelling in the Mirror: A Study of Illusions Produced by Delusive Meditation and How Be Free from Them

How to get rid of negative initiation energies and mantras

The disillusioned initiate of an erroneous meditation system or false guru sometimes finds that his initiation has implanted within him a subtle psychic connection that he cannot break by merely discontinuing the method. This is because the implanted energy connection is tied in with the guru and the mantra he has received. Therefore he needs to rid himself of the energies of the guru and the mantra. This is done by speaking the name of the guru and the mantra aloud with the intention to transfer its energy from the initiate’s life sphere.

Though you may find it strange, this method was taught to me by a great healer who also worked with healing initiates of negative gurus or groups. And through the years I have seen it work unfailingly for those who used it.

Evergreen trees (especially pine trees) have healing vibrations and one of their healing abilities is absorbing negative vibrations. Someone who has been initiated into a negative mantra can rid themselves of the negative vibrations and implants by putting all their fingertips against the needles of an evergreen or pine tree so the tips of the needles are pressing lightly against their fingertips. Then the person should clearly and carefully say aloud to the tree: “I pass on and give to you the mantra…” and repeat the mantra three times with the full intention of passing the power of the mantra into the tree… “given to me by…” and the name of the guru and his representative initiator if there was one. (The Only True Masters have to have a number of these representatives to keep their kingdom expanding in different parts of the world.) If the person did not receive a mantra, but some other kind of practice or “transmission,” they should say: “I give to you all the energies conveyed to me by…” and name the guru (and representative initiator if there was one). The tree will not be harmed, as it is meant to absorb negative vibrations and energies of various kinds.

It is best to do this alone so there will be no distraction.

Those who have been initiated in some way, but not into a mantra, should do the same, touching the needles as described before, but instead say: “I give to you all that is in me which has come from [here name the guru or group]” Then inhale and as you exhale, will and feel (imagine) that the influences of that guru or group are passing from you to the pine tree.

Those who have done this have found that it works.

Read the next chapter in Dwelling in the Mirror: Symptoms of Being Out of the Mirror


Introduction to Dwelling in the Mirror

Dwelling in the Mirror: A Study of Illusions Produced by Delusive Meditation and How to Be Free from Them

Preface to Dwelling in the Mirror