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Cremation, Organ Donation and Reincarnation

cremation firesQ: Can you be reincarnated if you donate organs or get cremated? Or does the physical body not come into it at all–is it just our soul and spiritual self?

Human beings are made of many layers. When we die we leave both the physical body and an energy body behind–which is why the hair and fingernails of dead people continue to grow for a while.

If things go as they should, we leave those lesser bodies behind without a thought and go on with our higher bodies (which contain both the memories and conditionings of our previous lives) to another existence in the higher worlds, after which we again reincarnate, taking on new energy and material bodies.

The situation of the bodies we leave behind does not at all affect us. Occasionally there are exceptions but they are very rare.


Regarding reincarnation, we share this excerpt from an article which we posted almost nine years ago, Proofs of Reincarnation:

Peter Ramster, author of book on reincarnation“The following information is taken from Peter Ramster’s very important book, In Search of Lives Past (1990) and from a speech he gave to the Australian Hypnotherapists ninth National Convention at the Sydney Sheraton Wentworth Hotel on the 27th March, 1994 and from the films he made on reincarnation (link to his film on Youtube).

In 1983 he produced a stunning television documentary in which four women from Sydney, who had never been out of Australia, gave details under hypnosis of their past lives. Then, accompanied by television cameras and independent witnesses, they were taken to the other side of the world.

One of the subjects involved was Gwen MacDonald, a staunch skeptic before her regression. She remembered a life in Somerset between 1765-82. Many facts about her life in Somerset which would be impossible to get out of a book were confirmed in front of witnesses when she was taken there:

  • when taken blindfolded to the area in Somerset she knew her way around perfectly although she had never been out of Australia
  • she was able to correctly point out in three directions the location of villages she had known
  • she was able to direct the film crew as to the best ways to go far better than the maps
  • she knew the location of a waterfall and the place where stepping stones had been. The locals confirmed that the stepping stones had been removed about 40 years before
  • she pointed out an intersection where she claimed that there had been five houses. Enquiries proved that this was correct and that the houses had been torn down 30 years before and that one of the houses had been a ‘cider house’ as she claimed
  • she knew correctly names of villages as they were 200 years ago even though on modern maps they do not exist or their names have been changed
  • the people she claimed that she knew were found to have existed–one was listed in the records of the regiment she claimed he belonged to
  • she knew in detail of local legends which were confirmed by Somerset historians
  • she used correctly obscure obsolete west country words no longer in use, no longer even in dictionaries, words like ‘tallet’ meaning a loft
  • she knew that the local people called Glastonbury Abbey ‘St Michaels’—a fact that was only proved by reading an obscure 200 year old history book not available in Australia
  • she was able to correctly describe the way a group of Druids filed up Glastonbury Hill in a spiral for their spring ritual, a fact unknown to most university historians
  • she knew that there were two pyramids in the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey which have long since disappeared
  • she correctly described in Sydney carvings that were found in an obscure old house 20 feet from a stream, in the middle of five houses about one and a half miles from Glastonbury Abbey
  • she had been able to draw in detail in Sydney the interior of her Glastonbury house which was found to be totally correct
  • she described an inn that was on the way to the house. It was found to be there
  • she was able to lead the team direct to the house which is now a chicken shed. No-one knew what was on the floor until it was cleaned. However on the floor they found the stone that she had drawn in Sydney
  • the locals would come in every night to quiz her on local history–she knew the answers to all the questions they were asking such as the local problem which was a big bog—cattle were being lost there.

Further Reading:

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