The April Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be held on Saturday, April 5th, at 12 noon EST.
Home » Atma Jyoti Ashram (Light of the Spirit Monastery) » Monks’ Pilgrimages

Monks’ Pilgrimages

Saint George's Monastery in IsraelPilgrimage can be a boost to a person’s spiritual life. It can reinforce and bring to a higher dimension knowledge gained from study of the lives and teachings of great spiritual figures.

In recent years monks from Light of the Spirit Monastery have made several pilgrimages, including two to sacred places in India, and most recently one to the Holy Land. Here we will share photos galleries and accounts of those pilgrimages.

Discovering the Holy Land

In May and June of 2016, Father Seraphim and Brother Simeon of Light of the Spirit Monastery were fortunate to make their first pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine. We spent two weeks visiting the major sites and shrines associated with Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the saints of the Holy Land. It was one of the greatest pilgrimages of our lifetimes, second only to our “all-India” pilgrimage in 2003, full of unexpected blessings, new perspectives, and a kaleidoscope of interesting new friends.

You can read the story of our journey in a series of photo illustrated blog posts, beginning with Two Monks in the Holy Land.

Pilgrimages to India

Through the years monks from Light of the Spirit Monastery have made many pilgrimages to India, and have visited many of the holy places in the four quarters of India. We filmed and photographed much of our journeys, so that we could recall the events of our pilgrimage. Now we share them with you.