Home » Atma Jyoti Ashram (Light of the Spirit Monastery)

Atma Jyoti Ashram (Light of the Spirit Monastery)

Light of the Spirit MonasteryAtma Jyoti Ashram (Light of the Spirit Monastery) is a monastic community for those men who seek direct experience of the Spirit through yoga meditation, traditional yogic discipline, Sanatana Dharma and the life of the sannyasi in the tradition of the Order of Shankara. Our lineage is in the Giri branch of the Order.

Our major spiritual practice (sadhana) is meditation. Therefore we begin each day with three hours of meditation. We draw our perspective as yogis from the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Darshana (Yoga Sutras) and the Sankhya Karika. Yoga is based on the Sankhya philosophy which was the original philosophy of the ancient rishis of India and the basis of the scriptures just mentioned.

Abbot George in the Light of the Spirit Monastery office
Abbot George in the Light of the Spirit Monastery office

Those Interested in Monastic Life

Those who are interested in perhaps becoming members of the monastery should read our article Monastic Life in Our Monastery.