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How to Explore This Site

explore our header arrowThis site is a practical resource for the spiritual student, presenting the path of meditation and practical spiritual life. It contains much valuable content to be explored and discovered. Here we will introduce you to this content and the best ways to find what you need.

In the top and bottom menus in the header you will find the main sections of the site.

First, above the header you will find the following

  • The Light of the Spirit Blog. Here you will find the latest blog postings, as well as the featured articles of the month. Also we have a daily wisdom quote section. This is a page you will want to visit often for the most up-to-date content.
  • Then is the Podcasts section, with dozens of podcasts by Abbot George Burke including talks on Original Christianity and Original Yoga, Soham Meditation, what is necessary for success in yoga, vegetarianism, reincarnation, the connection between Jesus and India, and spiritual people he has known and learned from.
  • The E-Library is a valuable resource with free PDF downloads of many of the books and articles you will find on OCOY.org.
  • You can use the Contact Us form to send questions about meditation and practical spiritual life.
  • Use the search bar in the header to find articles, blog posts, and podcast on the topics of your interest.

Below the header you will find the main sections of our website, with a drop down menu of the main content of these sections. You will find:

category thumbnails

  • Original Christianity: Here you will find articles on this unique perspctive. Original Christianity is not new, but eternal in essence, embracing the Ancient Wisdom (Dharma) that has existed from the beginning of the world, especially in the Far East.
  • Original Yoga: Learn about all aspects of meditation and leading an effective spiritual life.
  • Dharma for Awakening: In this collection of commentaries and articles on major scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Taoism, Abbot George Burke shares the gems he has found from a lifetime of research and practice.
  • Light of the Spirit Monastery is a monastic community for those men who wish to follow the paths of Original Yoga and Original Christianity in their search for God. In this section learn about the monastic life and ideals we follow.
  • Where to Begin: For those with little or no background in what is presented here, we offer articles and “hub pages” where you can easily expand your search and grow your knowledge.
  • Discover More: Here are links to other sites and pages where you can learn more than what is presented in other sections of our site.

Articles in the "Where to Begin" Section

An Introduction to Key Concepts of Indian Philosophy and Yoga

A clear understanding of the key concepts or core principles of Indian Philosophy and Yoga practice is important for the spiritual student. 

On this page we will introduce you to these key concepts and give a brief explanation of the meaning of each, and often link to other articles where you can get a fuller understanding. The Sanskrit language is rich in concise terminology about the philosophy and psychology of yoga. Those unfamiliar with the sanskrit terms used in the writings on this site will find this page a useful introduction.

An Introduction to Karma

Comprehending the two principles of karma and rebirth is not needful just because they are facts of universal life, but because they give us a right perspective on all facets of life itself. Without knowledge of these two fundamental laws, a “working” concept of ourselves and our lives is impossible.

Seeing ourselves as fundamentally evolving consciousnesses confined in bodies and an environment whose only real purpose is evolution, we will naturally shape our lives accordingly and deal with our life experiences within that greater context. Learn more about the important subject of karma.

An Introduction to Reincarnation

Reincarnation is not just some exotic idea of non-Christian mysticism. Nor is it an exclusively Hindu-Buddhist teaching. Contrary to popular thought, reincarnation is very much a Christian belief–first having been an orthodox Jewish belief.

The purpose of reincarnation is for us to grow and evolve spiritually until we return to the Godhead from whence we originally came. Each life is the result of the ones preceding it and is shaped accordingly–not in the sense of reward or punishment, but as precise mathematical reaction to our actions in those previous lives. Learn more about reincarnation.

Introduction to Vegetarianism

The major thing to keep in mind when considering the subject of vegetarianism is its relevancy in relation to our explorations of consciousness. We need only ask: Does it facilitate my spiritual growth–the development and expansion of my consciousness? The answer is Yes.

To discover more about the spiritual, mental, and physical/health aspects of vegetarianism, read the articles on this page.

Brahmacharya: The Benefit of Control and Continence

An Introduction to brahmacharya/celibacy: what it is, its benefits, and how to learn more

A Brief Sanskrit Glossary defines Brahmacharya thus: Continence; self-restraint on all levels; discipline; dwelling in Brahman.

Brahmacharya has a twofold nature: control and continence. An understanding of these aspects of brahmacharya is essential for the aspiring yogi. Learn more here about this important subject.

Why Meditate?

It’s important for novice meditators and experienced practitioners alike to reflect on this question, and on the nature of real meditation and true spiritual experience. 

Meditation is the process of restoring our consciousness to the center—our eternal spirit-self—and keeping it there so our evolution will proceed exactly according to the divine plan.

Learn more here about why to meditate.

How to Meditate

The Theory of and Practice of Soham Yoga

Soham means: I Am That. It is the natural vibration of the Self, which occurs spontaneously with each incoming and outgoing breath. By becoming aware of it on the conscious level by mentally repeating it in time with the breath (So when inhaling and Ham when exhaling), a yogi experiences the identity between his individual Self and the Supreme Self.

Learn more here about how to meditate.

Quick Summary: How to Explore Our Site


To find what you need, explore the pull down menus or use the search feature in the header.

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