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Traditional Singing of the Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 1: The Yoga of the Despondency of Arjuna (text to Chapter 1)

Chapter 2: Sankhya Yoga

Chapter 3: The Yoga of Action

Chapter 4: The Yoga of Wisdom

Chapter 5: The Yoga of Renunciation of Action

Chapter 6: The Yoga of Meditation

Chapter 7: The Yoga of Wisdom and Realization

Chapter 8: The Yoga of Imperishable Brahman

Chapter 9: The Yoga of the Kingly Science and Kingly Secret

Chapter 10: The Yoga of Divine Glories

Chapter 11: The Yoga of the Vision of the Cosmic Form

Chapter 12: The Yoga of Devotion

Chapter 13: The Yoga of the Distinction Between the Field and the Knower of the Field

Chapter 14: The Yoga of the Division of the Three Gunas

Chapter 15: The Yoga of the Supreme Spirit

Chapter 16: The Yoga of the Division Between the Divine and the Demonical

Chapter 17: The Yoga of the Division of Threefold Faith

Chapter 18: The Yoga of Liberation by Renunciation

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