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Light on the Path for Awakening

Climbing the Mountain PathIntroduction
In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, an Englishwoman named Mabel Collins was inspired to record teachings on the beginnings of the spiritual quest in a small book called Light On The Path. She did not consider herself the author but only the transmitter. Therefore she insisted that the title page say: “Written down by M. C.” In the following commentary we will be carefully analyzing her inspired transcription, for those who would make the Great journey must know both the path and how to travel upon it.

Mabel CollinsMiss Collins writes of discipleship and the qualities of a worthy disciple. The Master of such a disciple is the disciple’s own divine Self which draws its existence from the Supreme Self: God. Some time after writing Light on the Path Mabel Collins came into the orbit of those that claimed to be disciples of hidden Masters, both physical and disembodied. They even told her that her book had really been psychically dictated to her by one of their Masters. Innocently she accepted this and was put on probation to eventually become a disciple of the “Masters.” This probation lasted less than twenty-four hours, for she realized that she was being led away from the Path, that God and the Soul alone are anyone’s Masters. She severed her connections with those “disciples” and went her way in her former freedom. It is good to keep this in mind when reading Light on the Path.

Read the first section in Light on the Path for Awakening: Rules for Disciples

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