The October Online Satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be on October 5th at 12 Noon, EST.
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Podcast: Plain Talk About God

Paramhansa Yogananda in the photo known as the Last Smile

In this week’s podcast, Abbot George discusses who God is, and what man is, and the importance of making God an immediate reality in our daily lives. Abbot George bases his talk on Paramhansa Yogananda’s valuable book, The Science of Religion. Here Yogananda says:

“We should take religion and God out of the sphere of belief into that of daily life. If we do not emphasize the necessity of God in every aspect of our lives and the need of religion in every minute of our existence, then God and religion drop out of our intimate daily consideration and become only a one-day-in-a-week affair.”

Abbot George illustrates his points with examples drawn from his experiences in India, where the ideal is to live daily in the presence of God.

Listen to Plain Talk About God here if you do not see the player above.

Today’s podcast is 25 minutes.

Listen to more Podcasts here.

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